Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Redakai Championship Set Unboxing

Picked up a Redakai Championship Set today, actually my second I did pick one up at the weekend but went straight to playing it and didn't have chance to document it (I'll be posting a review of the game tomorrow when i have a little more time).

OK so here we have the Championship set in it's unopened state, I bought it from Home Bargains for £3.00. It contains everything that you need to play, a forty card deck, three characters, deck box and stands for your hand and battlefield.

This is a close up from the back of the box, its lists the contents of the pack and shows off the mysterious gold pack. The gold pack is a special single card, in both my packs it was a creature card, usually pretty powerful with very useful abilities.


OK, so lets take a look inside the box.

Here we can see the contents, on the top we have the battlefield where your three characters will sit on the left we have our deck/draw box, the two gold objects are your power counters and lastly on the right we have our card screen/hand holder. This is one of the things I quite like about Redakai, the accessories that you get with it, having the battlefield and deckhand makes it a lot easier to play rather than relying on your hands and a tabletop.

Above is my Gold Pack X-Drive, this cheerful looking fellow is quite a beast, notice the three yellow bars in the top right? Those mean that he can heal any damage caused to a character card. His ability tho expensive is fantastic in a game where drawing cards is huge. 

One of the only problems i have with the championship set is that the cards don't come in booster packs, I tend to feel a little cheated when you don't get to tear apart the foil wrappers, another thing worth mentioning is that Spin Master, the company who produce the game, have also released a championship tin. Now this tin retails for more (ok, so its only two pounds more) and as far as i can work out all you get extra is the actual tin, it also appears that you lose out on the gold pack so I think the tin boxed set is worse as well as being more expensive.

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