Monday, 2 September 2013

MTG Life counter

I've tried a couple free life counting apps over the last few months and rarely stuck with them for long. A lot of them just don't feel quite right or lack a easy UI. Then there are the amount of options that you can consider, how many players do you want it to support? Do you want poison counters?

A quick search for a MTG life in the app store shows 62 results, quite a lot to shift through, so I thought I would share with you one of my current favourites, MTG Life and Score (available on the app store for free).

Yes I named my opponent Loser, yes i'm Ten

Now while this app is not as complex as some, you can only show two players and it only keeps track of life. It is by far the nicest looking life counter I think I have ever seen. While being able to name players is a nice touch, its a shame that it doesn't remember names between sessions. 

It has the standard plus/minus 1 as well as the always welcome plus/minus 5, this makes it easy to add life totals although I did notice with play that it sometimes won't register button touches leaving you sometimes searching for the 'sweet spot' on the screen.

But I mean come on, it's just so pretty and nice. If your looking for an iOS life tracking app on your phone this is one of the best. 

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